...So, how's the whole situation going now? Did you got the money back already?
OC Designer, Commissioner Gordon, On/Off Fan Artist, Casual Gamer, Sickly Nostalgic, I Take My Time
Art Thread:
Age 28, Male
PotatoLand, U.S.A.
Joined on 5/15/24
...So, how's the whole situation going now? Did you got the money back already?
I didn’t get a refund yet, but I did sell somethings to recover a little money. Sold about $30 so far. I’ll update when I get the rest.
I'll be mad at you for asking others to make up for your own mistakes later... For now:
You should contact the supports for Twitter and PayPal respectively.
_Call_ PayPal, explain the situation and tell them to reverse the transaction. (Yes, they can do that - just like a bank.) Opt to not have them record the conversation, so the operator has more leeway if needed. If the operator sounds like they have sniffed to much glue you were connected to a 3rd party call-center that handles stuff with less care. Ask (politely!) if they would be able to forward you to the hotline for the main company. If they are being pissy, say you're worried that your account got compromised...
Write Twitter a short report or email so the account gets removed. They will care far less than PayPal, though, so you don't need to be diligent about it.
ZenonRetna (Updated )
Thank you for being mad at me. I did file a cancellation on PayPal, hopefully they’ll work it out. As for twitter, I blocked them, but I probably should have reported them so they can’t hurt anybody else. I know it’s my mistake, and you don’t have to pity me if you feel I deserve it. I’ll try to make the money back somehow.